The selection of instructors for the Paks II. project has started

6/1/21 1:20 PM
Within the framework of the work related to the selection and training of the operating staff, the selection of the instructors performing the professional training started.

Paks II. Ltd. is looking for new colleagues to perform training and preparation tasks related to the operating staff of the new units, starting in the autumn of 2022. 

At the moment of the start-up of the units to be built in Paks, all staff members must be in place, so the selection of the operating staff and the specialists providing their training has already begun.
The company submitted an application for an implementation license to the authority in June 2020. The Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority has 12 months to review it, which has been extended by three months in accordance with the relevant regulations, so the project can receive the implementation license in September this year, bringing the project into a new phase, the implementation phase.

The new units will be operated by hundreds of operating personnel. For them, the practical training is given by the specialists of the Russian contractor, and the theoretical training is given by field instructors. The training of these instructors should start at the beginning of the implementation phase. To this end, Paks II. Ltd. plans to recruit dozens of field instructors in 2022-2023. Their task will be to train the technological staff, ie the operators, technical support and maintenance staff. While they hold the theoretical trainings, the practical training is led by Russian specialists. Instructors can acquire basic nuclear and professional knowledge at the Paks Nuclear Power Plant thanks to the cooperation between the two companies, which lasts for a maximum of 18 months. Following this, in Russia, further knowledge of the new VVER-1200 units will be acquired on the reference units of the Paks II. Nuclear Power Plant in 6-10 months, depending on the job.

As the prospective instructors are expected to study for several months, Paks II. Ltd. is already waiting for the applicants.

More info and application on the career page of