The international phase continued in Munich

10/22/15 6:00 AM
The eighth public hearing was held on 20 and 21 October 2015 in Munich, Germany as part of the international phase of the environmental approval, which was followed by an expert consultation the following day.

The public forum starting at 11 AM was held in the Gasteig of Munich. At the beginning of the event dr. Attila Aszódi, government commissioner for the maintenance of the performance of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant described the Paks II. project, its environmental effects, the safety features of the new units, and the handling of the radioactive waste and spent fuel.

Opening of the first day of the public hearing

Despite the low number of interested – about 30 people appeared at the event – several questions and opinions arised after the commissioner’s presentation. The topics raised during the public hearing were among others liability damages, selection of the new units, nuclear safety, the effect on Germany in case of an accident, and handling of the radioactive waste. The Hungarian expert delegation answered even those questions in details which did not belong to the topic of the environmental approval.

Opening of the second day of the public hearing

First day of the public hearing ended after 10 PM. The event continued the next day at 9 in the building of the Ministry of Environment, where the large Hungarian delegation answered the questions of the few interested. The forum lasting until 3 in the afternoon was followed by an expert consultation.

The next station of the international phase is Belgrade, where a public hearing and expert consultation will be held on 5 and 6 November respectively.