The design work has begun - Paks 2 EN
The design work has begun
Gennadi Jersov highlighted that the work is done with maximum nuclear safety, the 1200 MW units each will be planned for a 60 years operation with 100% load. He added that the work progress is influenced by the various studies and authorizations.
The expert responsible for the Paks design said that the lifetime of the new units can be extended, and the performance can be changed between 50-100% with a compliance with regulations.
The safety regulations are always complied, such as the double-walled hermetic casing, the active and passive safety systems. One of these is the melt zone trap, which prevents the most severe possible malfunction as the most advanced solution.
Gennadi Jersov said that for cooling the new units will use the water of the Danube as well.
The International Atomic Energy Agency recognized the planned new Paks units as the newest 3+ generations nuclear power plants, which meet every safety requirements – emphasized Mr. Jersov.
The deputy chief engineer pointed out that the requirements of the turbine and management systems are set by the contracting party, several manufacturers’ products comply with the most advanced regulations.