Soil excavation of up to -5 meters has begun

8/29/22 1:16 PM
Groundworks in the area of Unit 5 started on 26 August 2022.

On 26 August 2022 in the area of Unit 5 of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant, in accordance with the organizational plan adopted in connection with the construction, with the necessary license, Duna Aszfalt Ltd. started the soil excavation activities of up to -5 meters.

The soil is excavated up to the layer above the groundwater level. The so-called soil consolidation required for the construction of Unit 5 can be carried out undisturbed from this level, i.e. in a „dry" excavation pit. Further deepening of the pit can take place after obtaining the relevant license, soil consolidation, and the construction of the cut-off wall that closes the area of Units 5 and 6 and ensures the groundwater exclusion. The authority issued the license for the construction of the cut-off wall on 16 May 2022, and for the soil consolidation on 10 June 2022, the work is being prepaired.