Paks II. hosted an international seminar

10/21/22 2:36 PM
The European Utility Requirements (EUR) organized its professional training course with the assistance of Paks II. Ltd. in Budapest.

The EUR, responsible for the creation and continous update of regulations and standards for new nuclear power plant projects, organized a two days long training with the assistance of Paks II. Ltd. 

The international audience – French, Finnish, Spanish, Checz, Polish, Belgian and Turkish professionals among them – was greeted by Gergely Jákli, the Chairman-CEO of Paks II. Ltd, emphasizing the importance of international cooperation and knowledge sharing. He told, the project company relies on international experiences, meets the requirements and criteria, and is an active participant in the international professional dialogue. 

– This is an international investment, beside the Russian Contractor, Rosatom, several actors from the international market are part of the project. Our goal is to build the best and safest nuclear power plant, while incorporating the international suggestions, said Gergely Jákli. He added that a great nuclear professional knowledge accumulated in Hungary, which makes us proud. 

Gergely Jákli also said it is of utmost importance, especially during this energy crisis, when can a nuclear power plant start its commercial operation. That is why we want to accelerate the Paks II. project, but it can’t overwrite the most important aspect of the nuclear industry – the safety. 

Imre Pásztor, chief engineer of Paks II. project, member of the EUR’s governing body, hosted the seminar and held a presentation about the requirements regarding the safety classifications. Tamás Túri, the head of the I&C department, lectured about the standards concerning the I&C and the relation between man and machine, and Balázs Nyárádi, lead secondary circuit expert, spoke about turbine island equipment, systems and their auxiliary systems.


EUR brings together the largest electricity generating companies in Europe. The organisation was founded in 1991 to develop common criteria for new power plant constructions proposed by European manufacturers and to promote harmonisation of requirements at a European and world level. Its members include EdF, EdF Energy, Tractabel, Iberdola, CEZ, Fortum, just to name but a few of the most important nuclear power producers. The Paks II. project has been a member since 2011. EUR aims to contribute to safe, competitive and licensable new nuclear projects in Europe. Its requirements are set out in the EUR Document, published in 1994 and continuously revised since then. The document has undergone five revisions so far. The current Revision E was published in 2016 and updated in 2021, and Revision F, which includes requirements for light water SMRs, is currently being developed.