
Péter Szijjártó: Our aim is to speed up the project
The project of building the two new units is transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The aim is to accelerate the investment in Paks.
New construction licenses were issued by the authority
New facilities of the Construction and Erection Base have recently received a construction license from the Hungarian Atomic Energy Agency (HAEA).
The construction of Paks II. is of national economic and national security importance
At the meeting of Péter Szijjártó and Alexey Likhachev, the director general of Rosatom confirmed: his company is able to implement the investment.
The cooperation continues with the Western suppliers
The Western European and US suppliers of the Paks II. investment declared clearly, they want to continue the cooperation.
Hungary's electricity import dependence is also high by European standards
In 2021 there was a 30 days worth of time period, when Hungarian electricity consumption was covered by at least 40% of import.
The CEO of Paks II. Ltd. received the Prima Award
István Lenkei, who was awarded for his outstanding and exemplary performance in his profession, spent his entire career in the nuclear energy sector.
Virtual tour on the new nuclear power plant’s site
A new tool was added to the communication toolkit of Paks II. Ltd.
There is no secure supply of electricity without the Paks II. investment
The Paks II. project guarantees the secure electricity supply and the affordable electricity – highlighted János Süli at the event of Századvég.
The investment was the main topic of the Szekszárd Entrepreneurship Forum
The entrepreneurs from Tolna County were able to get information about the Paks II. project.
Production licensing for the core catcher begins
The compilation of documentation for another long-lead item has been completed by Paks II. professionals.
A joint year evaluation by Paks Nuclear Power Plant and Paks II. Ltd.
The full broadcast is also available online.
The construction licensing of six nuclear island buildings starts
The submission of documentations is another important milestone in the project.
Once again, an electricity system record was broken
This much electricity was never consumed in a month in Hungary before as in January.
European Commission: Nuclear power has a role in the green transition
The European Commission's proposal recommends investment in nuclear energy for funding.
The cold weather brought a new peak in electricity consumption
The system operator measured another domestic electricity consumption record.
Last year was full of energy records
In 2021, the former peak gross system load and total annual gross electricity consumption was broken.
Paks II. Ltd. attended a career orientation day
The students of the Energy Technical School and College (ESZI) were also able to find out about the opportunities offered by Paks II. Ltd. at the school's career orientation day.
The construction licensing for the reactor building begins
Paks II. Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. submitted the construction license application for the reactor building of Unit 5 on 30 December to the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority.
The head of Rosatom had a meeting in Budapest
On 17 December, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán received Alexey Likhachev, Director General of the Russian state nuclear energy group Rosatom, at the Carmelite Monastery.
The Paks Social Council held another meeting
Paks II. Ltd. received important licenses, meanwhile the construction of facilities on the construction and erection base progressing – was said at the Paks Social Council’s meeting.